Kritikal Blues 2016-06-23 - Datozen kontzertuk - Popourri euskaldune


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3.Tenpodadako atzan irratsaixu. Datozen kontzertuk eta Blues euskaldune entzundouz.
Hurrengun gehixa!!

Datozen kontzertuk - Hondarribi 2016
1. Henry Gray - My girl Josephine
2. Henry Gray - Mojo Boogie
3. Bob Corritore - Many a Devil's Night
4. Sweet Martha & the blues workers - Chittin' con carne
5. Sweet Martha & the blues workers - Shake it babe
6. Sweet Martha & the blues workers - Teeni nee ni nu
7. Sweet Martha & the blues workers - Hoodoo girl blues
8. Shemekia Coppeland - Getto child
9. Shemekia Coppeland - wild wild woman
10. Eric Slim Zahl & The South West Singers - Intro
11. Eric Slim Zahl & The South West Singers - Hot root queen
12. Eric Slim Zahl & The South West Singers - Can't turn back the time
13. Eric Slim Zahl & The South West Singers - Everything I need
Blues Euskaldune
14. Fermin Muguruza - When I die
15. Travellin Brothers - Frencmen street
16. Jon Gurrutxaga - Distantzia, bidea, zu eta ni
17. Serious Business - I want your soul
18. Petti - Fulsome Prison Blues
19. Estitxu Pinatxo - Gizonen mundu hau
20. Joseba B. Lenoir - Su haren inguruan
21. Joseba Irazoki & Lagunak - Irudipena
22. Erdizbana - Txikito Blues


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